The use of essential oils is an integral part of the natural wellness lifestyle of people worldwide. Users benefit from the aromatic pleasure they provide, which in itself, is healing.
Essential oils are beneficial to health in other, more subtle ways, too. The molecules within the plant’s essence are approximately 75-100 times more concentrated as an essential oil than in the dried plant. When an olfactory receptor cell is stimulated, impulses travel along the olfactory nerve to the limbic portion of the brain (sometimes referred to as the reptilian or old brain) where memory, hunger, sexual response and emotion are evoked. Before consciously knowing we are in contact with an aroma, our subconscious mind has already received and reacted to it!
Varieties of Essential Oils
Essential oils come from a huge variety of trees, flowers, fruits, and other plants — some common, some unfamiliar. Regional variations of latitude, longitude, soil and weather create the chemical constituents that make up the essential oil and its relative healing properties.
Uses for Essential Oils
Aromatherapy is one of the most popular ways to use essential oils. Specific oils support the neutralization of negative emotions while heightening positive ones, and offer sinus, headache, and arthritis relief for many people. Specific oils are even used as aphrodisiacs! With such wide-ranging applications and a growing awareness of their power, it’s no surprise Americans have embraced what has been used for centuries in other cultures around the world.
The Month of LOVE
February is the traditional month to show LOVE. What better way to increase sensual and intimate feelings towards the one you love than with some essential oil potions? Properties in essential oils can improve circulation, promote hormonal balance (or increase hormone production), affect the nervous system and influence state of mind and emotions. They help induce warmth, intimacy, enforce spirituality and feeling of euphoria – perfect for enhancing loving thoughts and feelings.
Because decreased sexual interest is due in part to the hypo-production of certain hormones by the pituitary gland, the sense of smell–olfaction–plays a major role in increasing sensual experience. Essential oils like patchouli, myrrh, rose, neroli and ginger are considered aphrodisiac, and can release inhibitions and lead to increased intimacy.

This master gland, the pituitary, helps regulate the production of all the other hormones in the body, as well. Essential oils like Clary Sage, Ylang-Ylang, Patchouli, Rose and Jasmine have the ability to stimulate the pituitary gland.
Why Use Organic or Wild Crafted Oils?
Essential oils may be classified broadly into three kinds: organic, wild crafted and non-organic. Organic and wild-crafted essential oils are derived from plants grown without pesticides or artificial additives. Many practitioners believe that organic and wild crafted oils are markedly superior in a number of ways: quality, scent, and benefits. Organic and wild-crafted oils may be more expensive than non-organic alternatives, since only a small amount of essential oil can be produced from a relatively large quantity of plant matter. However, the benefits of organic and wildcrafted essential oils are worth the price. There is now, more than ever, a demand in the world market for essential oils. Many non-organic oils are diluted with an odorless and tasteless substance/chemical that makes it ‘go farther.’ Not even trained noses can detect these substances, unless each batch is identified through gas chromatography – an expensive process most companies cannot afford. It is imperative each raw batch is accompanied with a certificate of analysis. Knowing and trusting your supplier is the key.
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